Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Beginnings..

I have been meaning to post these but have been gone the last few months in Brazil.
The only thing really I can say about my trip is that I learned a lot. I didn't nescessarily get to do and see everything that I had hoped but I definitely plan to go back. In terms of the connections with the warehouse, it is going to take some time. I need to do more research and better planning but it is totally possible. I am looking forward to the challenge.

These photos are from the space of the warehouse after it was torn down. I drove to check it out one day right before I left for Brazil. It was the beginning of September. I walked around to see if anything was left because part of the foundation is still seen. I found a few random things but nothing really worth saving. I took a few snap shots and hope to keep returning to the site to watch the redevelopment.

Photo my friend Tamara took of me walking on the site. The old Crown Cork and Seal Factory is pictured in the background.

I was in Baltimore a couple weeks ago but wasn't able to make it out to the site but I am sure they haven't started anything. Any construction involving housing is pretty slim right now. I was however able to make it to a meeting at Wind Up Space concerning abandoned and vacant spaces throughout the city. It was really helpful and I enjoyed hearing what everyone thought about these spaces. It expanded my own thoughts. It was however, more centered around the vacant spaces that are more residential but still equally important. I am hoping to get involved in a group project to revamp some blocks and create installations on the sites. I have to get back in to Baltimore though first, which is taking longer than I had hoped.