Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Beginnings..

I have been meaning to post these but have been gone the last few months in Brazil.
The only thing really I can say about my trip is that I learned a lot. I didn't nescessarily get to do and see everything that I had hoped but I definitely plan to go back. In terms of the connections with the warehouse, it is going to take some time. I need to do more research and better planning but it is totally possible. I am looking forward to the challenge.

These photos are from the space of the warehouse after it was torn down. I drove to check it out one day right before I left for Brazil. It was the beginning of September. I walked around to see if anything was left because part of the foundation is still seen. I found a few random things but nothing really worth saving. I took a few snap shots and hope to keep returning to the site to watch the redevelopment.

Photo my friend Tamara took of me walking on the site. The old Crown Cork and Seal Factory is pictured in the background.

I was in Baltimore a couple weeks ago but wasn't able to make it out to the site but I am sure they haven't started anything. Any construction involving housing is pretty slim right now. I was however able to make it to a meeting at Wind Up Space concerning abandoned and vacant spaces throughout the city. It was really helpful and I enjoyed hearing what everyone thought about these spaces. It expanded my own thoughts. It was however, more centered around the vacant spaces that are more residential but still equally important. I am hoping to get involved in a group project to revamp some blocks and create installations on the sites. I have to get back in to Baltimore though first, which is taking longer than I had hoped.

Friday, August 8, 2008


As of September 11th I will be journeying to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. One of my main missions is to learn about the steel industry that began in Rio. It is home to the first major steel mill in Latin American. My hope is it will be teach me more about the industry that once thrived in Baltimore. The picture above is from the warehouse in Baltimore. This is one of my favorite images and memories at the warehouse. The CSX railroad station still past the building.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's funny how you become attached to a space. How a space develops a history that is constantly changing. It seems as though no single space can stay the same. This building has character and a history that I am still trying to understand. Parts are still a mystery.

The history that I am interested in hearing now is from individuals. Stories.

I met an interesting individual one time I was in the building. (the one and only time I spoke to someone there) He lived just up the block in one of the row houses near Ponac and was looking for some wood to use for a fire. He seemed to be a loyal member of the community and had a great understanding of the communities history. Apparently his grandmother originally owned the house he lives in. We spoke a little bit about the building being torn down soon. He suggested it be used as a rail car museum rather than more houses. Apparently he has already heard a bit about the prices for the housing and felt it was going to be difficult to afford living there for people. I'm curious to hear more from people in the community about this development. Shouldn't there we more concern for the communities needs?

I personally think a community center would be a good solution. I've seen kids in the building several times. Just hanging out. Listening to music and chatting with friends. Perhaps it's because they don't have a space like that anywhere.

Friday, June 6, 2008

It's all coming to an end..

I just received word from my connection at the Greek Development Corporation that the developers received their funding so demolition will start soon. The good news is that I am in the process of working on gaining access to the building the last final days to shoot some video work and create some installations. I also am hoping to get permission to document the demolition. Just waiting for the final far so good...wish me luck.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Save the Date!

On June 5, 6, 7, & 8, 2008, the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox community of Baltimore, Maryland hosts the Greek Folk Festival, Maryland's largest annual celebration of all things Greek - food, music, and dance. Join us for the SUPER-SIZED Greek Folk Festival 2008: "Passport to the Islands of Greece."

The festival happens not far from the warehouse..520 South Ponca Street. Check out it if you have a chance. I plan to attend sometime over the weekend if possible.

More info at the website-

Recent visit to the warehouse

Yesterday I stopped by the warehouse to begin a new project of tracking the materials that are coming in and leaving the space. Recently a lot of people have been dumping trash inside the building. I did notice that there were a few things missing..rather large things- metal equipment.

I also discovered some recent graffiti found in a few spots throughout the building. My hope is within the coming weeks I will be able to utilize this space one last time before it is torn down.

There is still no solid answer on when it is going to be torn down. I am going away for a few weeks and I just hope it is still standing when I get back!!

If anyone has any stories, thoughts, suggestions, or historical reference to the building feel free to leave a comment in regard to my research and findings.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Newspaper Reused

This show contained the majority of newsprint that I found in the warehouse. The video is a walk through of my space and shows how I utilized the newspaper in a few different ways.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Floor Plans

These images contain research regarding more recent use of the space. The Sanborn Map on the right shows the use of the space during the 1950s, shortly after it was built. The space was built in 1940.

The changing landscape of Baltimore

These pages show research that was gathered regarding the use of the space prior to the building being constructed.

Wise Words

“Cities need old buildings so badly it is probably impossible for vigorous streets and districts to grow without them.... for really new ideas of any kind—no matter how ultimately profitable or otherwise successful some of them might prove to be—there is no leeway for such chancy trial, error and experimentation in the high-overhead economy of new construction. Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings.”

- Jane Jacobs

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Paper. Lots and Lots of Paper

My initial interest in this building was because of my discovery of a mass quantity of paper towards the back of the space. There were 13 pallets of newsprint about a Non-Smoking Campaign for the youth in the city.

130,000 pamphlets per pallet.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Full Shot of Space

I recently became interested in researching the history of abandonded spaces around Baltimore. This interest led me to this space in Greektown. I was astonished that a space like this hadn't been restored and utilized yet. The structure of the building is amazing and holds information to the history of this city. Why aren't more spaces like this restored? The obvious answer would be it financially isn't realistic but couldn't some part of it be saved? We need to hold onto spaces like these instead of demolishing them because all it does is just creates more waste and destroys this history that can't be recreated.

Monday, April 21, 2008